
The Islands

Learn more about the different islands that we serve.

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Orcas Island

Horseshoe-shaped Orcas is known as ‘the gem of the San Juans’ with a year around community of about 6000. It’s 57 square miles has the most varied topography from sea level to Mt. Constitution at 2400 feet. It’s a hiker’s paradise with spectacular Moran State Park and Turtleback Mountain Preserve. The state park features old growth forests, pristine lakes, and endless recreational opportunities. The Village of Eastsound is charming and friendly, with a great selection of boutiques, grocers, and world-class dining. It’s said, while the beauty of the island draws people in, the caring community is why they stay.


San Juan Island

Friday Harbor is the gateway to San Juan Island, with marinas, shops, and restaurants, and the County seat for local governance. It’s the most populace of the islands with around 10,000 year-around residents. Journey through farmland and forest to the other side of San Juan and Roche Harbor Resort, a hotel with another large marina, charming historic buildings, and a spattering of small businesses. Lime Kiln State Park on Haro Strait is one of the few areas in the San Juan Islands where you may see whales from the shore.


Lopez Island

Lopez is known as ‘the friendly isle,’ a smaller community of about 2500 residents where people often wave as they pass by. It is primarily flat terrain with many farms and miles of beautiful shoreline. Lopez Village has several quaint cafes, farm-to-table restaurants, a bookstore, galleries, a library, and a few other shops. Spencer Spit State Park is a gorgeous 138 acres marine and camping park. Lopez is locally called ‘slow-pez’ as the pace there is quieter, more pastoral, and lends itself to a mellow lifestyle.


Shaw Island

Shaw is the smallest of the four islands served by the Washington State Ferries, with nearly eight square miles and a small year around population of 200, along with many vacation homes. Commercial development is legally precluded, with the only business being the charming Shaw General Store and post office. There are no lodging facilities except for camping at South Beach, one of the most picturesque beaches in the islands.


Outer Islands

There are numerous non-ferry-served islands with small populations, including Crane, Blakely, Cypress, Decatur, Stuart and Johns; the Gudgell Group has two boats to transport buyers and sellers. These islands are accessible only via private boat or airstrip, with gorgeous properties offering the ultimate in privacy.

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Collectively we pride in being good listeners to carefully attend to needs and goals of sellers and buyers. As “locals,” we've a special love for island life and extensive knowledge of island properties.

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